Hello Helper Program
Welcome to the Hello Helper Program – your ultimate solution for workflow continuity. We understand the challenges you face in the fast-paced solar industry, which is why we’ve developed a comprehensive suite of services to support you every step of the way.
We understand the challenges you face in our industry.
Introducing the Hello Helper – your steadfast partner in the ever-changing world of solar. Unlike short-term focussed incentives, we're committed to your long-term success.
Hello Helper Program
Stock To Site
Running low on materials? No worries. With our Emergency Stock service, just give us a call, and we’ll deliver materials directly to your job site. Keep your projects on track, ensuring timely completion and prompt STC trading – that’s the Hello way.
Hello Helper Program
Call Outs
We understand how inverter replacements or electrical issues can disrupt your schedule. With our Emergency Call Outs service, just send us the problem, and we’ll swiftly attend to it on-site whilst you focus on installing new systems and growing your business.
Hello Helper Program
Feeling the frustration of running low on leads? Say goodbye to those worries with our Emergency Leads service! We’ll handpick exclusive leads tailored to your target audience, ensuring a steady influx of potential customers so you can keep installing systems.
With Hello Helper, you have a reliable safety net.
Hello Helper Program
Emergency Stock To Site
Running low on materials? No worries. With our Emergency Stock service, just give us a call, and we’ll deliver materials directly to your job site. Keep your projects on track, ensuring timely completion and prompt STC trading – that’s the Hello way.